Evidence Based Medicine
Optimize your health, longevity and quality of life.
Backed by Scientific Research
Discover Rinton's dedication to formulating and developing nutraceuticals based on the latest scientific research from reputable medical journals.
Optimise Your Health
Explore how Rinton offers cutting-edge nutraceutical combinations to support your immune system, modulate and manage disease symptoms in conjunction with main stream medical therapy.
Empower Your Wellness
Learn how Rinton empowers you with science-backed nutraceuticals, enabling better control of your health and well-being.
Rinton is Research
into Nutraceuticals
At Rinton we subscribe to the adage of “Research into Nutraceuticals”. We strongly believe that Nutraceutical formulations need to be based on Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM). This means that all of our formulations are done on the basis of the latest scientific research published in reputable scientific medical journals.
By constantly striving to stay ahead of the ever-evolving science of Nutraceuticals we offer you as a patient the best current scientific product combinations as an aid in managing your immune system and disease symptoms.

FluVert contains a proprietary blend of Beta 1.3/1.6 D Glucan, Manno oligosaccharides (prebiotics), mega dose Ascorbic acid and Zinc gluconate in a Effervescent Solvent Enhanced Technology (ESET)™ base.
- Preservative free
- Gluten free
- GMO free
- Sugar free
Suitable for vegans and strict vegetarians.
The daily intake of FluVert may, along with practicing the recommendations of the WHO, be an aid in averting viral respiratory diseases.
Daily intake of Fluvert must be done during winter months or during outbreaks of respiratory diseases. It is furthermore highly recommended that FluVert supplementation be implemented at least 48 hours before air travel, long distance travel or any events where large crowds congregate. Supplementation should be continued for the full period during as well as 7 days post the above.
The unique Effervescent Solvent Enhanced Technology (ESET)™ ensures optimal solubility of the Nutraceuticals and enhances bioavailability and absorbtion. It is important to follow the directions for use exactly as described.
A Nutraceutical aid in averting as well as reducing symptoms of Respiratory Viral Diseases including Covid-19.
Add 4g (one level scoop (included)) to 125 ml (half a glass) of clean drinking water. Wait for effervescence to commence. Stir the solution lightly and consume shortly after on a daily basis. In rare instances where gastro-intestinal upset is experienced after the above intake schedule it is advised that 2g (half a level scoop (included)) is added to 125 ml (half a glass) of clean drinking water and that the full contents be consumed twice a day. FluVert may be taken before during or after meals once or twice a day (as per instructions above) in the mornings and or the evenings. FluVert is perfectly safe and may be taken continuously for as long as is needed. FluVert may be combined with any mainstream medications. For children under the age of 12 years half of the above dosage is recommended.
The proprietary blend contains:
A natural antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory benefits.
A natural antioxidant which loosens mucus in your air passageways.
Vitamin D3
Maintaining adequate levels prevents immune compromise.
A nutraceutical aid in the management of Viral Respiratory Diseases.
Daily intake of FluTreat™ must be done as soon as any symptoms if respiratory disease syndrome are noticed.
Supplementation should be continued for as long as symptoms last and be continued for 7 days post recovery. It is recommended that FluTreat™ and Fluvert™ be used in conjunction during this time.
Assists in managing and shortening the symptoms of viral respiratory diseases. Also indicated as an aid in reducing the side effects of Covid-19 and Flu Vaccinations.
Take two capsules with a full glass of water or juice or both in the morning and at night. FluTreat™ must not be taken on an empty stomach. Make sure to stay in an upright position for at least 30 minutes after taking the capsules. For children under 12 years of age, take one tablet in the morning and one tablet at night.
The proprietary blend contains:
Avocado/Soybean Unsaponifiable (ASU)
Unique evidence based nutraceutical promoting optimal cartilage health and joint integrity.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid
A natural antioxidant protecting the body’s cells against damage whilst also acting synergistically with ASU to reduce joint inflammation.
Enhances joint protection and further reduces joint pain and inflammation. These three nutraceuticals act synergistically to ensure optimal cartilage health and joint integrity.
As a nutrical aid in:
- The prevention and management of arthritis by reducing further cartilage damage as well as stimulating cartilage repair;
- The prevention of degenerative joint disease after joint trauma and post joint surgery;
- The protection of joint integrity in athletes where joint wear and tear or cartilage and tendon damage is prevalent;
- The management of pain and improving mobility in people suffering from arthritis;
The unique combination of ASU and Alpha-Lipoic Acid has a proven synergistic effect. Assists in managing the symptoms of Osteoarthritis such as joint pain and difficulty when moving.
Take one ArthriCare™ capsule twice per day for 15 days and then one capsule for as long as is clinically indicated. ArthriCare™ may be taken before, during or after meals. It is recommended that ArthriCare™ be used for a minimum of 3 months. ArthriCare™ can be used on an ongoing basis subject to an assessment by a healthcare professional.
In a Cross Cord Naturally compressed Tablet. Colour & Odour of Tablets may vary between batches.
Each 2-Tablet Serving Contains:
Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA)
A chemical made from fat. It is found naturally in foods such as egg yolks and peanuts and in the human body. PEA can bind to cells in the body and reduce pain and swelling. The micronized form is absorbed better due to a smaller particle size.
Avocado soy unsaponifiables (ASU)
Certain chemicals that come from mixing one-third avocado oil with two-thirds soybean oil. Avocado soy unsaponifiables include chemicals like vitamin E, plant fats, and others. The mixture of these chemicals seems to reduce swelling in the joints in the body and works on the level of the cells in the cartilage.
a chemical mostly found in red grapes and products made from these grapes (wine, juice). It is a very strong antioxidant and is useful in various conditions, especially ones related to joints.
Tocopherol acetate(Vit E)
A vitamin that is dissolved in fat. It is found in many foods, including vegetable oils, cereals, meat, poultry, eggs, and fruit. Vitamin E is an important vitamin required for the proper function of many organs in the body; it is also an antioxidant.
Soduim Ascorbate(Vit C)
An essential vitamin that must be consumed in the diet. Good sources include fresh fruits and vegetables especially citrus fruits. Vitamin C is needed for the body to develop and function properly. It plays an important role in immune function and collagen formation in the body.
A Nutraceutical aid in the management of Spinal Conditions
- Reducing further Intervertrabral Disc Damage and De-Generation.
- The Management of Pain and inflammation by improving spinal mobility and quality of life in people suffering from back and neck conditions.
- Improves intervertebral disk health by maintaining the integrity of the disk nucleus.
- Improves disk health by improving the integrity of the disk annulus, and vertebral ligament end plate.
Take two SpineCare tablets twice per day for 15 days and then two tablets once per day for as long as it is clinically indicated. SpineCare may be taken before, during or after meals. It is recommended that SpineCare be used for a minimum of 3 months. SpineCare can be used on an ongoing basis subject to an assessment by a healthcare professional.
The proprietary blend contains:
Eggshell Membrane
Uncover the benefits of the eggshell membrane, a thin lining inside eggshells. Rich in proteins, particularly Type I collagen, it supports your skin and tendons. This vegetarian, unhydrolyzed option ensures better absorption, making it an essential element for your holistic health journey.
Native Collagen (Type II)
Our blend features native collagen, engaging with the immune system through oral tolerance. This process prompts cartilage repair, offering specialized support for knee-related concerns. This source of type II collagen is a vital player in fostering joint health and overall wellness.
Boswellia Serrata Extract (Standardized)
Harness the power of Boswellia Serrata, a LOX inhibitor renowned for its pain-relief properties. Our extract is standardized to one of the highest grades available, ensuring optimum effectiveness in managing discomfort and promoting joint health.
We've incorporated curcumin for its potent antioxidant activity. Derived from turmeric, this natural compound supports the body's defense against oxidative stress, contributing to the overall well-being of your joints.
Vitamin D3 and K2 Duo
The blend is fortified with the dynamic duo of Vitamin D and K, working in harmony for optimum bone and joint health. These essential vitamins play a pivotal role in maintaining bone density and promoting overall skeletal well-being.
Fortify and protect your joints with our nutraceutical aid, boasting dual collagen sources. Type I collagen from eggshell membrane supports tendons, ensuring holistic joint care. Our formula addresses structure, reduces inflammation with Boswellia, and offers antioxidant support through curcumin. Beyond joints, it enriches skin health and strengthens bones with Vitamin D3 and K2. A must-have for active individuals prioritizing joint well-being. Prioritize your vitality, starting with your joints! Ideal for those seeking to preserve joint function or expedite recovery after exercise
Take two capsules daily in the morning with a glass of water.
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Client Reviews
” Ek kan met lof getuig van die produk FluTreat! My seun was olik die oggend met n verkoue en ek het hom FluTreat gegee. Toe ek hom by die skool gaan haal toe voel hy sommer stukke beter. My huishulp kon nie van haar verkoue ontslae raak nie ek gee toe vir haar van die Flutreat. Die volgende week het sy gesê haar verkoue was die volgende dag baie beter en kort voor lank was sy gesond.
Sal FluTreat enigetyd aanbeveel. Soos hul sê “the proof is in the pudding”.”
” Ek is 64 en het nooit werklik besef dat ek Osteoarthritis het totdat die swelling (knoppe) begin het nie. Was altyd ‘n hardloper gewees en toe ‘n stapper. My knieë het geweldig begin swel en pyn, ook baie styfheid ervaar. Ook in my hande, veral my regterhand se duim het die gewrig so ‘n knop gevorm en kon ek niks regtig vasvat of draai nie. Kon nie ‘n deksel of ‘n bottel oopmaak nie. Selfs net om ‘n deurknop te draai was pynlik. Vanaf ek hierdie produk gebruik is die swelling beter en die pyn is meer draaglik. Ek gebruik dit nou vir 3 weke en kan ‘n daadwerklike verskil voel. My slotsom is dat dit die suurgehalte in my liggaam verminder. Ek kan ArtriCare, met groot vrymoedigheid aanbeveel. Dit maak die lewe van pyn en ongemak soveel beter! Baie dankie ”
” JointActive is die produk wat my weer normaal laat loop het.
Drie maande gelede het ek met ‘n knie probleem gesit. Ek was dokter toe maar dit het nie herstel nie. Ek het slapelose nagte gehad van seer en pyn. Ek kon nie draf nie. Toe het ek met ‘n produk met die naam JointActive begin. Dis ‘n natuurlike produk. Vandag kan ek weer normaal loop .Ek kan draf en lekker slaap, geen pyn nie. Hiedie produk het vir my gewerk, te danke aan Rinton. ”
” Ek ervaar osteoarthritis sedert 49 jarige ouderdom. Eers in my linkervoet, daarna my linkerknie en daarna my rug. Ek het baie dokters besoek en die laaste dokter het bevestig dat ek osteoarthritis het en al wat sal help is dat ek goeie aanvullers sal moet gebruik. Die pyn en ongemak het egter te veel geraak en moes ek in 2017 ‘n knie operasie ondergaan sowel as n rugoperasie in Mei 2018. Die rugoperasie was n L4/5 dekompressie (spinale stinose). Soos ek dit verstaan het die chirurg tussen die werwels “skoongemaak.” Die chirurg het my ook meegedeel dat indien die pyn weer sou terugkom, hy die werwels sal moet “fuse.” Die pyn het intussen weer begin. Ek het egter in Januarie 2024 van Dr Botha se Rinton SpineCare medikasie verneem en besluit om dit te probeer aangesien ek nie weer kans sien vir nog ‘n rugoperasie nie. Ek drink dit nou vir 2 weke en kan alreeds ‘n verbetering in pyn voel. Alhoewel ek nog nie pynvry is nie sal ek beslis voortgaan om nog van die SpineCare te bestel en te drink aangesien ek kan aanvoel en vertrou dat dit my rugpyn sal genees. Ek kan ook alreeds ‘n geringe verbetering in pyn in my linkerenkel en linkerknie voel. ”
Shop Our Neutraceuticals Collection!
Take the first step towards a healthier you by exploring our extensive nutraceuticals collection. Our evidence-based formulations and cutting-edge solutions are designed to empower your wellness journey. Whether you’re looking to boost your immune system or manage specific health concerns, Rinton is here to support you. Shop our nutraceuticals collection today and embark on a path to improved well-being.